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Wednesday, March 18, 2020
What to Expect on College Graduation Day
What to Expect on College Graduation Day Graduation day is everything youve worked so hard for, all rolled up into one super-charged day. So how can you make sure youre able to relax and enjoy your celebration instead of just running from one chaotic situation to another? Knowing what to expect on graduation day can make sure that the memory of you have of this important milestone is one of great joy and calm instead of chaos and frustration. Expect to be challenged as you try to balance everything All of a sudden, all of your worlds are going to collide. Youll have friends you want to see and say goodbye to, youll have family in town, and youll have all kinds of logistics to work out. You will likely feel pulled in a bunch of different directions, all at once, by the people who mean the most to you. Realize that this will likely feel a little overwhelming at times and that youll just have to roll with it. Expect the administration to be busy If you think you can take care of some last-minute to-dos like talking with the financial aid office, you might be surprised to learn that graduation day is one of the worst days to try to get things done. Many offices are super busy with student and family requests at a time when theyre also expected to be involved with graduation itself. If you have things you need to get done before you graduate, plan to do so before graduation day arrives. Expect to serve as a guide for your family You may have no problem knowing where to park, where to get food, where the bathrooms are, and where all the buildings are located on campus...but your family doesnt. Expect to serve as their guide and plan accordingly, either by being available physically to show them around or by being available via cell phone. Expect not to have much time with your friends You and your friends might plan on all seeing each other, eating together, and overall hanging out, but- just like you- everyone will be pulled in a million different directions. Do your best to cram in as much time with your friends as possible before graduation day arrives. Expect a challenge when youre trying to find people Even with cell phones, campus maps, and text messages, it can be a serious challenge to find your family, especially in a large crowd. Plan in advance to meet at certain places (e.g., next to the large tree by the church) instead of out front after the graduation ceremony is over. Expect large crowds around town Even if youre graduation in a major city, the restaurants and hotels nearby will likely be crowded before, during, and after graduation. If youre hoping to go out to eat afterward, make sure you have reservations in advance. Expect to see people for only a short amount of time Aha! You finally found your sorority sister after graduation. You say hello, introduce her to your family, and then...shes disappeared among the crowd. With so much activity and so many people on campus, its likely that youll only have a few moments to cherish with those who mean the most to you. Consequently, keep your camera handy (and fully charged) so that you can capture some amazing graduation pictures before they fade away. Expect to be on your cell phone- a lot The night before graduation is not the time to forget to charge your cell phone. Your friends will be calling and texting you; youll be calling and texting your friends; your parents and/or family will also be in touch; and even your grandmother, whos 1,000 miles away, will want to call and congratulate you. Consequently, make sure your cell phone is charged and ready. Expect a lot of conflicting emotions After all youve worked for and as ready as you thought you were to graduate, graduation day can be an emotional experience. You might very well find yourself not wanting to leave while also excited, and nervous, about what the future holds. Instead of trying to ignore your emotions, just let yourself feel and process whatever the day brings. It is, after all, one of the biggest days of your life, so why shouldnt it be an emotional one, too? Expect things to run late No matter how well you, your friends, your family, and the campus administration plan, things will inevitably run late. Taking it all in stride can help make sure you still enjoy yourself, no matter how far behind schedule things seem to run. Expect the day to be one of the most memorable days of your life Think of all the hard work you put into earning your degree; think of all your family has contributed and sacrificed; think of all the ​benefits of being a college graduate, both professionally and personally. When youre old and gray and looking back on your life, your college graduation will probably be one of the memories you are most proud of. Consequently, do your best to take a few moments throughout the day to absorb everything thats going on. It can be challenging, but after all youve done to make your graduation possible, youre definitely worth the few extra moments it might take to relax and congratulate yourself on a job well done.
Monday, March 2, 2020
Top 7 Criteria for Judging Your Law Personal Statement
Top 7 Criteria for Judging Your Law Personal Statement Top 7 Criteria for Judging Your Law Personal Statement One of the entry requirements for any course is writing a personal statement. This part of application is required by many universities for the reason that many students apply with the same grades. The question appears â€Å"How to distinguish those potential students who is really agreeable for a particular course?†For that purpose, most colleges and universities make a practice of writing personal statements by applicants, thereby asking write us a personal statement and we’ll see who you are. So, you have your Law personal statement written and you want to determine if it is worth sending to the university of your choice or not. More often than not, what seems like a quality statement at first, can turn out to lack several crucial points. Review carefully your writing and judge its content and structure according to the criteria suggested by admissions tutors. 1. Your Admission Essay Must Be Well-Structured A well-structured essay is considered to have a clear and logic framework. The aim is to stick to the way of writing in which all the parts of essay are connected with each other and form a whole. So, what are these parts of a good personal statement for a Law course? Introduction is a part where you need to explain the reasons why you want to study Law at university. In other words, show that you are strongly motivated to learn the subject. Observe 5 reasons to love studying law given by the Guardian. Body should be devoted to your work experience. Your experience should be law-related. Writing about extracurricular activities, during which you were debating over the human rights, volunteering for giving free legal advice comes in handy. The aim is to demonstrate that you’re hard-working. Conclusion contains the key points you come to concerning your future in the profession. Strong motivation, experience in the legal profession lead you to working towards the specific goals. Share them with admissions coordinators. 2. Introduction of Your Personal Statement Must Be Memorable The first paragraph of your personal statement has to stand out and capture the reader’s attention immediately. Keep in mind that the main answer, the question to which will be searched by admissions officers in your Law personal statement, is â€Å"why law interests you?†. So, don’t remain this question unanswered in the introduction. At the Student Room, you can find the good examples of law personal statements. 3. Your Personal Statement Must Feature Your Real Merits It is quite common for students to exaggerate their achievements in order to impress their tutors. Avoid painting a rosy picture as administrators are able to identify if the achievements are a little grand to be true. You’re recommended to achieve success, which you tend to describe in the personal statement, before the interview with admissions officers. 4. Your Evidence Must Be Underpinned with Relevant Facts Many Law professors advise students to avoid talking about criminal justice in their statements as it is very different from Law. Moreover, you can be aware of not all details. They also encourage students to use relevant real-life examples in their statements when discussing cases that inspired you to pursue the career in Law. 5. Your Personal Statement Must Suit the Requirements The Princeton Review highlights the importance of delivering your law personal statement as required by each school you apply to as. Writing multiple statements is not ideal. The best trick is to adjust your original statement and make it suitable according to each specific institution requirements. For example, the University of Washington provides with different types of an admission essay their admission committee wants to see. 6. Your Personal Statement Must Be Unique Your statement should contain detailed reasons for your degree choice and a brief but adequate explanation why you should study Law at that particular school. Ensure that your statement is not filled with common terms like â€Å"passion†or clichà © reasons why you are a right fit for the program. It should also not contain slang terms or casual words like â€Å"awesome†. In addition to this, you should use tools online to check for plagiarism and similarities with other statements before submitting yours. 7. Your Personal Statement Must Be Free of Mistakes If you ignore this point, you risk being ignored by admissions officers. Mistakes are bound to happen sometimes, but not in your personal statement. Their occurence can say about the lack of diligence, attention and knowledge. The good idea is to double check your paper, even better, triple check in order to be sure that it doesn’t contain any grammar, spelling and punctuation mistakes. The common typos are â€Å"your†instead of â€Å"you’re†or â€Å"then†instead of â€Å"than†., etc. Be attentive while writing and more attentive while proofreading. A well-written Law personal statement raises your chances of being accepted into university of your dream. Keep the statement simple, personal and free of the tiniest mistakes. Do it yourself or with the help of our experienced academic writers. We’re open to you 24/7 to make your personal statement eye-catching.
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